I've been getting this great "natural spirituality" publication for a few years, The Rose, since my friend Kat worked at Emmanuel Episcopal Church where it's published. I don't quite know how to work in synchronicities and other psuedo-Jungian terms into a sentence. They feel a little like business jargon: "Don't be so siloed! We should synergize to work together". But throwing away some of the loaded language, it warms my heart to spend an evening or two a quarter pondering dreams and connections to the divine, and other things I can't quite explain.
So recently they had an article about how everything is connected. It was pretty technically advanced - Fourier transforms and the holographic content of quantum fields - but I think the gist is that we're connected in ways we can't quite comprehend (but almost can). The one twist on this is that now science is beginning to see the evidence of this connection.
Anyway, I love that I read this article just this weekend, and then this morning called a dear friend who was just going through old negatives from high school and thinking of me. In a non-local, non-temporal holographic plane (that connectedness we can't quite understand), that's basically the same thing as tapping me on the shoulder. Well, almost. :)
Reading through a new lens
5 days ago