Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Tuckered out

I'm a bit tuckered out. Stayed up way too late playing my first ever round of Settlers of Catan and eating Arne's homemade Earl Gray and Butter Cookie icecream. Yum.

Before that there was a party for Arne and Shane's DVD release.

And before that a week working in Hawai'i when I didn't even have time to put on my bathing suit! I had time to do lots of other fantastic stuff... including work with See Change's fabulous client, the Hawai'i Community Foundation, see a humpback whale spout and tail, visit an 800-year-old fishpond, get some yummy greens (thank you Summer and pals) at Ma'o Farms, take the secret (unpaved) back way from Hana to Kahului, see 4 rainbows or maybe more, and bond with my delightful boss, Melanie Moore Kubo. Here's the fishpond below. Oooh pretty!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Unexpected Rewards

Sometimes, the rewards in life are a little different than you may have expected. Arne's movie, Girls Rock!, has been a lesson in getting various and sundry unexpected rewards, and also about not necessarily being rewarded in the way you *did* expect.

Rewards he got: me. He says all the time that once he was doing something he loved, he was ready to get loved by me! I don't know of anybody else who started off making a movie with the goal in mind of finding the love of your life. :)

Rewards we get: Some people *do* get it. And it makes my heart swell 1) that they do, and 2) that what they get is a vision that lives somewhere between my husband, his best friend from 4th grade, about 100 little girls, and 25 passionate women (and now on-screen, too)!

Here's somebody who gets it:
My ears are bleeding: little grrrls are gonna rock ya
Rock on, Matt (the author of this post)! With feelers out like this when you write and when you live, life is going to hurt for sure, but it's also going to be well worth it.

"imagine a day when all children regardless of ethnicity or gender, are given pragmatic-yet-encouraging environments in which to grow. maybe..."